Sunday, October 10, 2004

Introducing the Fem(s) Fatale

Hi guys, it's the crazy Florida girls. We are Rachel and Sarah (characters Niun and YT respectively (Sarah would like to add that we are drop dead sexy, but that's Sarah for you)). I, Rachel, have been playing Lineage off and on (more often not though) for the past four years on the Dep server. I started playing LoA about three months ago. After a little bit of coaxing I eventually convinced my roommate to start playing as well. Since we wanted to get married in game (and she had issues with playing a male char) I gave her my water/con elf, YT (and let me tell you, it makes one's Lin experience much more pleasant when you get to start off at lvl 40+), and I decided to take the path of the DE ("never underestimate the power of the dark side"). Once I get off my rear and level a little bit more we will finally be able to hunt in our dream location - Forgotten Island! (We both want Ancient Leather Armor soooo bad, lol). That's who we are, that is our goal, and Sarah would like to add that we are drop dead sexy ::Rachel rolls eyes::


Blogger Arcades said...

Um... okay.


6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Arc and everyone else!
It's LightKeeper, glad to see that the pledge is going strong, come on you people should be lvl 50 by now heh ;). I've gotten some more free time, so I'm going to be playing WoW (hopefully it'll match up to Lin or maybe I'll come back o.O" but just the thought of Hidden Valley gives me shudders heh) when open beta hits, and also on release. Probably gonna be playing a priest, I'll post my name/server, come drop me a line sometime.
Alright guys, good luck.

1:50 PM  

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