Monday, August 28, 2006

We're at war with this pledge now... stupid really. That's the letter they sent, I woulda probably just given the guy 150 pots to save any grief... what's 150 pots to me really?? But like 2 seconds after sending this letter, the idiot is attacking us in Fire Valley. Lame... considering all he and his friend Manhattan did was run and waste way more than 150 ojs. I intend to waste way more of their ojs, as I barely have to pump against this noob. Really lame tho... no ends on either side, save for the few that SoulSurivivor got on us.. and that's just a greifer looking for an easy kill on people that are distracted.... oh well, that happens when you fight on Fire Valley Beach.

I believe in karma... Hence our good fortune on the following hunt after our "fight". Decay pot... NICE! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My 2nd attempt at getting a Diamond Sword, and then me losing my temper on a mopthieving bot! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Demonick marries Sacred Souls and ex-Crimsonguard Elf Kayle.... Congratz! Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 18, 2006

People always ask me what gear I have.. well here she is.... I desperately need to make a +7 Engraved Helm.... after that I don't think I can increase my ac for any less than 80m..... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 05, 2006

31 year old face^^ Posted by Picasa

31st Birthday party.... we rocked the house with all of 5 people ^^..... atleast a stripper was there! lol Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

If you can't read my sorry handwriting.. it says Bot.... and there are atleast 2 on the screen... and I don't me or silky o.0 Posted by Picasa