Sunday, May 22, 2011

So this is the end. I gotta say I keep waking up hoping to find a solution to this problem. Maybe a rollback to before this last update and a switch to 3rd party run servers, but I'm not holding my breath. If I have to start over from scratch then the game has ran it's course for me. Sad... I was 20% away from level 60 legit.

So let me start by saying I have nothing against people from foriegn countries. I've had koreans, japanese, swedish, mexicans, etc in my pledge in the 9 years that I've been running it. At one point my pledge was probably 1/3rd Indian... so yeah I got nothing against anyone. What I do want to point out is the fact that North American Lineage is dead because well... North Americans have been the minority on the server for as long as I can remember. At one point maybe we made up 50% of the server... but we're talking 2002-2003 era here people...

The koreans that played will go back to their overcrowded servers... the same for the Japanese and the Taiwanese. Where do the Australians, the North Americans, the Indians, the Norwegians, the Mexicans go...? Hopefully anywhere but to another NCsoft game.

Lineage was the only game that truly had no end. You didn't reach maximum level and max out your gear in a year or two. You hadn't seen and done it all and probably never would. Lineage was eternal... I will be 36 in August. I started this game when I was 26. I have celebrated every birthday in that time online with my pledge and friends. I have met wonderful people that I will strive to stay connected with long after this game is dead and buried. I had every intention of being here forever. I have often joked that I would be here till the servers burned down... well... that totally hasn't proven to be a lie now has it?

I hope to move to World of Warcraft. Not because I enjoy that game or find it even close to a Lineage experience but because I want to keep my "gang" together and move forward. I want CrimsonGuard to live on... In the coming months this blog as well as our webpage will be archived and switched over to World of Warcraft content.

That being said I would like to thank all the people that have in some small way made my time here a joyful experience.

Frigga, Magicadehex, Polarn, Tachyon, Electra81, Medieve, Veldren (the real one not that jackoff that bought the account), Kwami, Magpies, Sonn, Tristen, Pheatherwar (the one without the penis), Wr4th, Karna, Woodoo, Darkenedelf, Syns, Serpentskirt, Extacy, Badgirls, SimonPhoenix, R34p3r, Testpress, Silkymoon, Tigeress, Xplode, Applepies, Cocococo, Sweetz, Tyrannus, Lexxus22, Pliask, Naitale, Niun, Zapy, DoubleD, Cheezypoofs, Naughtykitty, Holysmoke, Rebelmage, Rokoko, Netaria, Browneeiii, Silverarrow, M3rcury, Shindokun, Tekniko, Xevvex, MrBads1

And the royal class which I found to be so competitive whether it be for members or that little floating crown above our heads. There are very few that I got to know and even fewer that I respected. So here's to them.

PrinceNismo, Myrdin, Whiskeymanz, CaptainX, MrFish, Jackal, LordStryfe, Dragonprynce, Lafiel, LadyBug, Gigglesme2, Dakotasky

If I forgot anyone I apologize.

Farewell Lineage
Arcades, Prince of the Crimson Guard


Anonymous Ladygrrrr said...

Im not on that list~~~~

6:09 AM  
Blogger None said...

It was an honor to server in CG. I really enjoyed my time in with crimson guard. I spent the meat and grind of my lineage career with CG. It got to a point where I could hear in my sleep the sound skeleton pikes from 34f would make. Thanks again Arc for having me in your pledge.


12:21 PM  
Anonymous Serpentskirt said...

Woohoo! A shout-out! I'll see you on Nesingwary, Arc.

10:07 PM  
Blogger Medieve said...

Arcades - this is Medieve... is there a way I can contact you I dont see any email address

9:52 AM  
Blogger Medieve said...

Medieve was here 24 Jan 2012!!!!

10:25 AM  
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10:37 PM  
Blogger Yang Kuo said...

It was an honor to server in CG. I really enjoyed my time in with crimson guard. I spent the meat and grind of my lineage career with CG.


3:37 AM  
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11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:20 PM  

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