Thursday, August 09, 2007

An ER Hunt Pays the Bills

Location: Elemental Ruins, Pirate Island
Party: Arcades, Hunlikehorse, Kwami, Tachyon
Drops: Glove of Ice Spirit, Mithril Dagger, SC: Exotic Vitalize, Black Blood Stone, Relic of Eva

Potpourri: Kwami - didn't die. Arc - lag-swinging. Hunlikehorse - best heal 'bish' any melee could ask for. Tachyon - ran out of MP (all 45).

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Toi 21 - 30 Pledge Hunt

Members: Scorpio04[banned], DarkenedElf, TachyonMan, Naitale, Aniraldo, Katoro, Ikubi, and Labrinna.
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This was my first (and failed) attempt at taking a group photo. Took me too long to hit the printscreen button and i missed all the "cheese"s.

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My second attempt was worst than the first. Somehow I managed to open the community menu. Almost got us all killed by an ifrit in the process.. lol.

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This one is a nice shot of everyone who made it to 30f with me. Gratz all! ^^

---Hunt Breakdown---
Best Drops: Bkat; 31f scroll(s)

Progress Summary:
Ikubi got stuck and venzed on 22f.

Labrinna and Scorpio04[banned] got separated from the group on 27f and Labrinna venzed. Scorp used a 31f scroll. o.O;

After that, a mob killed DarkenedElf on 30f, TachMan had to leave and it was down to Ani, Katoro, and Myself. Ani venzed when pots ran out. As did Kat. I lasted about 5 more min before a Demon forced me to venz as well.

All in all.. a great time.

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Kwami is a Goth!!!

Kwami is into goth... what the hell? I guess it's true. Just call him Kwamira, Manstress of the Dark now!

Monday, August 06, 2007

New Tattoo

New tattoo gun = new tattoo lol.