Monday, March 27, 2006

VALAKAS ENDED (ME) Kwami was bugging me to post some screenshots of me getting schooled/smeared/reamed by the big red fire dragon, Valakas. Let me just give you all these words of warning: DO NOT GET WITHIN THE SAME SCREEN AS THIS MENACE. The following screenshots were taken not 5 seconds between each other.

A little bit of fire killed those already on-screen and ended, including the folded cloth of a sema...

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Then you die as soon as you see the tip of his wing or nose or any other appendage...

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Finally, he walks all over you and grabs you with his human-like claws...

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So, I hope this report is detailed enough. BTW, my MR was 74% at the time for those of you wondering what kind of stats will still allow you to die instantly on-sight. Good luck, and I would advise you only to bring very n00b characters to his lair (in arachnevil morph) if you want to catch a glimpse of him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if u managed to go up in "groom" morph, u'll find ur hp reduced to 0, but u won't die, and be able to walk around.

yeah its bugged, but its a good way to be a spectator in a dragon hunt =)

10:14 AM  

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