Wednesday, May 31, 2006

See? Even I can go chao sometimes Lol... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Killing bots..... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Silky goes chao for the first time... and a random monitor convo! Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 26, 2006

Bots!! ...and more bots... okay here is a little experiment I performed in between naps.. as you can see the same "people" in some cases have played for 24 hours... these "people" do not seem to care if you mopsteal them and venz if you attack them, or in some cases shoot you once or twice and continue hunting. They do not respond to chat... and they come running for every single adena you drop. The fact that these same 5 bots we're spotted last week and were online within an hour of this week's reset... and are here shown today doing a 24 hour stretch... is AMPLE FRIGGING PROOF they are bots!!!!! Yet nothing is done... you will see these same "people" soon... only in TOI and in Darkelf or Black Archer poly... and there still won't be anyone at the wheel.... oh wait!! yes their will, cause once these babies hit 50+ they'll be sold on the in-game freaking message boards in Korean, Chinese or whatever other language NC chooses to ignore!!! Seriously "WE" the players are going to have to do something... cause the company we pay $15.00 a month to won't! Report them you say?? Lol... you pathetic noobs... this is NC (No Care Soft). Make a throwaway mage and spend just 1 hour a day ending these idiots, or atleast harassing them to make them venz... If all the legit players did this in one spot...say Oren Wasteland... sure it wouldn't get rid of them, but NC can't be blind to 200 or more players running around one spot killing everyone all hours of the day can they?? Wait... ahhh to hell with it.... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Dufus (er... Dofus)

For those that have been wondering what I've been up to all this time...

A friend of mine introduced me to this "free" MMORPG. It is turn based (which i like, because i suck at real time pvp: no time to think). I'm doing pretty well for myself on the game. Things actually drop here if you hunt for them and there is a great party system.

Basically there is an exp cap if you solo hunt, so you either have to wear exp bonus gear to counteract that, or hunt in a party. Hunting in a party is great though. A lot of item drops have a lock on them and the only way to break it is to farm mobs in a party.

I really enjoy it a lot and I'm having a lot of success with the market system. Selling items is a heck of a lot easier than lineage, so I make money relatively easily.

This game is completely based out of flash (which i think is creative) and was first produced in France. Botting is a small problem on dofus, but most of it revolves around professions since the battle system is far too complex.

I'm currently not playing it right now.. because despite the fact that it has a f2p (free-to-play) mode, it is pretty sour compared to the p2p (pay-to-play). I'd suggest checking it out, though. It is a decent escape from the grind of lineage. Oh yeah... one cool thing i forgot to mention: if you do pay, it is only $6.90 a month, which is rather affordable.

However, i still miss lineage... and i never did reach my lvl 50 goal. I'm sure I'll return to the grind soon. The sooner i get a job, the sooner i reach that possibility.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Win 100k adena by finding the hidden Kwami. We have done this once before, this time he's really deeply hidden. The first person to reply to this with the location of the Kwami... will recieve 100k adena from me. The blog doesn't count, nor does "his" real life pic on the webpage... He's hidden on the website itself... If you're not registered to use the blog, simply post anonymous and leave your bp name... this is only a contest for bp members only... so, good luck!

I've had decent luck as of late. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I know how I'm gonna unchao my mage now, since this is a tactic... I just need someone to act as a bot!!! Lame.... very lame.... NC! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Crimson Guard invades TOI 80f.. the highest I'ved been...
 Posted by Picasa

Crimson Guard invades TOI 80f.. the highest I'ved been... Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 15, 2006


I haven't been playing much lately, but made a couple of trips down to DVC 5f and on my 2nd trip lucked out. My best drop ever (I hope), if it sells well. :)

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

A new Level 52 Royal is born... the Hp gain is not accurate as it shows me without the HP ammy, and then with it on once I leveled to see my new maximum HP. Thank you to all that have helped with Essence and all that came on the hunt. ^^ Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Win 100k adena by finding the hidden Kwami.. from time to time I will be hiding "Kwami" on the website... why Kwami? Well... he's got that stupid smirk on his face. Lol. The first person to reply to this with the location of the Kwami... will recieve 100k adena from me. If you're not registered to use the blog, simply post anonymous and leave your bp name... this is only a contest for bp members only... so, good luck!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The crazy crazy life of a royal and 3+ years of memories... insane ppl!! some names have been removed to protect the innocent ^^ Posted by Picasa

Its a little late but, i GOT Married!!!!! :) Posted by Picasa

Kwamit the.... Frog?? Lol i cant stop laughing...... Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 08, 2006

Thanks to Magpies for the inspiration... Kwamimodo!!!!! I really need to find someone else to pick on Lol... Posted by Picasa