WAR!!!!!! These ppl barely have 20 members and they were stupid enough to war us and trashtalk.... i didnt get any end shots cause i was too busy ending ppl lol..... needless to say, at best they had 6 ppl.... we ended or venzed all but one, who just ran around like an idiot... They are stupid noobs.... look at the idiot buyin an ORC SET!!!! Lmfao!!!
Friday, June 30, 2006
WAR!!!!!! These ppl barely have 20 members and they were stupid enough to war us and trashtalk.... i didnt get any end shots cause i was too busy ending ppl lol..... needless to say, at best they had 6 ppl.... we ended or venzed all but one, who just ran around like an idiot... They are stupid noobs.... look at the idiot buyin an ORC SET!!!! Lmfao!!!
W t f is kuka doin there? so much for loyalty
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